2017 — present
– Graphic Design
– Branding
– Editorial Illustration
– Art Direction
– Web Design/UI
Catalyst is a peer-reviewed journal of political strategy launched in early 2017, with over 7,500 individual subscribers and subscribing institutions.
I became Catalyst’s designer just after the first issue launched in spring 2017. Since then I have designed every issue cover to cover, including illustration, infographic design and typesetting. In the summer of 2020 I completely overhauled the journal’s visual identity and layout.
I became Catalyst’s designer just after the first issue launched in spring 2017. Since then I have designed every issue cover to cover, including illustration, infographic design and typesetting. In the summer of 2020 I completely overhauled the journal’s visual identity and layout.

Catalyst Identity Elements
Catalyst Covers

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 5

Volume 4
Catalyst Interior

Catalyst Website
Design and art direction: Benjamin Koditschek
Coding: Remeike Forbes

Jacobin Magazine
2017 — present
– Graphic Design
– Editorial Illustration
– Photography
– Art Direction
Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture. The print magazine is released quarterly with a print-run of around 45,000 copies, and a web audience of over 2 million per month.
I began working at Jacobin in 2017. Since then I’ve worked on over twenty issues of the print magazine in the capacity of designer and art director.
I began working at Jacobin in 2017. Since then I’ve worked on over twenty issues of the print magazine in the capacity of designer and art director.
Selected Covers

Issue 44, The Left in Purgatory
Art direction/concept: Benjamin Koditschek
Illustration: Liam Eisenberg
Creative Direction: Remeike Forbes, Lauren Traugott-Campbell

Art direction/concept: Benjamin Koditschek
Illustration: Cat Sims
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes

Art direction/concept: Benjamin Koditschek
Illustration: Rose Wong
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes, Lauren Traugott-Campbell

Issue 35, Populism
Art direction/concept: Benjamin Koditschek
Illustration: Michael Byers
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Selected Interiors

Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Lauren Traugott-Campbell

Layout and illustration: Benjamin Koditschek
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Polina Godz

Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Polina Godz

Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Polina Godz

Layout and design: Benjamin Koditschek
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Polina Godz

Illustration: Viktor Hachmang
Creative direction: Remeike Forbes
Product photography: Polina Godz
Board Game Design
2018 — 2021– Concept
– Mechanics
– User Testing
– Graphic Design and Branding
– Art direction of illustration
– Graphic design
– Product photography
– Kickstarter page design
Illustrations by Pete Gamlen
Printed by Ad Magic
Class War is the a two-player, asymmetric strategy game where you play as a collective entity: a social class — either the Capitalists or the Workers. You’ll fight for social dominance in an unstable constitutional democracy. Will the Capitalists crush this rising wave of popular discontent and entrench their position as masters of society? Or will the Workers triumph over the power of money to make society more equal and just?
I created an original board game titled Class War for Jacobin based on democratic socialist theory. I had never designed a board game before starting out on this project. After scrapping the first couple ideas, I eventually began honing a prototype of what would become the published game.
Class War had a very successful kickstarter response, receiving funding more than four times our initial goal.
I created an original board game titled Class War for Jacobin based on democratic socialist theory. I had never designed a board game before starting out on this project. After scrapping the first couple ideas, I eventually began honing a prototype of what would become the published game.
Class War had a very successful kickstarter response, receiving funding more than four times our initial goal.

SVA Lecture Posters
2018 — present
– Graphic Design
– Visual Identity
I’ve had the opportunity to design posters for two different lecture series at The School of Visual Arts, New York (SVA): The Serious Times Lecture Series, from 2018–2019 and the Art and Politics Lecture Series, from 2019–present.
The posters for the Politics Lecture Series are screen printed by hand in SVA’s print lab.
The posters for the Politics Lecture Series are screen printed by hand in SVA’s print lab.

Art and Politics, 2022

Art and Politics, 2019

Art and Politics, 2020

Art and Politics, 2019

Art and Politics, 2022

Books and Pamphlets
2018 — present– Graphic Design
– Illustration
I’ve had the opportunity to design a handful of book covers for Verso Books, as well as a few pamphlets for Catalyst.